par camille | 24 Mar 2014 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, News
Kampuchea Balopp would like to thank in advance the Hong Kong Police Rugby Club & Hong Kong Scottish RFC for the benefit dinner being held on Tuesday 25th March in Hong Kong in the build up to the Hong Kong 7s with guest speakers Serge Betsen & Tom Smith.
Proceeds raised on the night will being shared by Operation Breakthrough, Serge Betsen Academy, the Bill McLaren Foundation and Kampuchea Balopp.
Nicolas Olivry – Executive Fundraising Manager for Kampuchea Balopp will be attendance to discuss the good work we are doing in Cambodia and how the funds will help the program. I’m sure he will bring back some great photos from the event for us to share online and on our social media.
par camille | 24 Mar 2014 | Actualités, Grassroots, Grassroots, News
Kampuchea Balopp was recently featured in the Post Khmer and The Phnom Penh Post on the development of women’s rugby in Cambodia and the appointment of our first full time rugby coach Pheary.
Below are the English and Khmer scans of the articles.
We would like to thank the Phnom Penh Post and Post Khmer for the coverage and we will be looking to further increase our exposure in local and international media as we have a number of exciting events and projects in the pipeline for 2014 and beyond.
Please contact Steve Noble for any media or press enquiries.
par camille | 12 Fév 2014 | Actualités, Featured, Grassroots, Grassroots, Mise en avant, News
Last week, Thursday 6th February 2014, Dul Khemrin, one of the Kampuchea Balopps rugby coaches, visited Siem Reap with Pierres Yves Tondeur, the development officer of French partner association Terres en melees. Kampuchea Balop and Terres en Melees formed a partnership about a month ago and Pierre has been actively involved in training the coaches since he arrived from France.
The pair of Khmerin and Pierre visited Siem Reap to run two rugby sessions with two NGO’s based in the famous temple town of Cambodia. The NGO’s « Friends International » and « Ecole du Bayon » were treated to more than a simple rugby initiation session, but also a workshop for all the NGO educators from “Friends International”. The workshop was entitled “How to animate a rugby activity for kids and how to use it as a tool of education ». (Loosely translated from French).
The idea of the workshop was to enable and empower the educators and to provide them the skills to use a sport, in this case, rugby, as a tool for education whilst still letting the kids (and themselves) have fun.
The idea came about when Kampuchea Balopp realised that many of the Khmer educators working in the NGO’s don’t fully know that sport can be used as a tool of education. Instead sport is thought of as a good physical activity that enables the kids to have fun and spend energy, but through sport, a positive message and lessons can be taught and learned which can be provided to the youth through regular training.
It was also the first time in the history of Cambodian rugby that a Khmer coach (Dul Khemrin) was training other Khmers to teach them how to be a rugby educator. Kampuchea Balopp are very proud of Khemrin and this shows that we are making the Development sustainable.
Kampuchea Balopp would like to thank Terres en Melees for their support in this initiative as well as all of those who participated.
La semaine dernière, le jeudi 6 Février, Dul Khmerin, l’un des entraîneurs-éducateurs de Kampuchea Balopp, s’est rendu a Siem Reap, en compagnie de Pierres Yves Tondeur, l’agent de développement de Terres en Mêlées.
Kampuchea Balopp et Terres en Mêlées travaillent ensemble depuis maintenant un mois, et Pierres Yves a été très impliqué dans le développement des compétences techniques et pédagogiques de notre équipe d’entraîneurs.
Notre binôme s’est donc rendu a Siem Reap non pas pour y visiter ses fabuleux temples mais pour y animer deux grandes séances d’initiation rugby auprès d’enfants pris en charge par les ONG Friends International et Ecole du Bayon. Toutefois, plus que deux simples séances de rugby, le but de cette visite a été de mettre en place plusieurs ateliers de travail auprès des éducateurs employés par ces ONG. L’Intitulé de ce workshop était: « Comment animer une séance de rugby auprès d’enfants, et comment comment l’utiliser comme un outil d’éducation ? »
L’idée de ce workshop était vraiment de faire prendre conscience aux éducateurs que le sport et le rugby, en l’occurrence, est un formidable outil pour permettre de véhiculer des messages éducatifs forts comme le respect des règles et de ses camarades, l’esprit d’équipe et de combativité, et la découverte de soi-même.
Avant ce workshop, il était intéressant de constater que la majorité des éducateurs participant ne réalisaient pas forcement que le sport n’est pas qu’un simple moyen d’occuper les enfants, mais qu’il doit être utiliser avant tout comme un outil éducatif.
C’était aussi la première fois dans l’histoire du rugby cambodgien, qu’un entraineur-educateur de rugby cambodgien (Dul Khemrin) animait et formait d’autres cambodgiens pour développer leurs compétences d’éducateurs de rugby. Kampuchea Balopp est très fier de Khemrin, car cela montre une nouvelle fois qu’avant de vouloir développer le rugby éducatif, il faut penser a rendre ce développement le plus pérenne possible.
Kampuchea Balopp aimerait remercier chaleureusement Terres en Mêlées pour leur soutien technique dans cette initiative ainsi que tout ceux qui ont participer a ces deux jours de formation.
par camille | 12 Jan 2014 | Actualités, Entraînement, Featured, Grassroots, Grassroots, Mise en avant, News, Training
It’s been now one week that Pierres Yves Tondeur, the Development officer of the french association Terres en melees is working with Kampuchea Balopp coaching team. « Pyton », as he likes to be called, will stay in Cambodia during four months to support Kampuchea Balopp in the training of our khmer coaches, and to developp some grass roots projects in Siem Reap.
Terres en Melées is an association which tries to support the development of the Rugby as a tool of Education, they have already developped two projects in Senegal and Morocco, and in France they use those international projects to sensibilise the teenagers about Solidarity through Rugby.
Pyton was really happy about this first week with Kampuchea Balopp, he observed, took notes and photos, and has already leaded three workshops with our coaching team to improve their skills about « how to be a good role model and a good educator before being a good coach ».
He also gave us some exercices to help the kids to face their fear through small contact games.
If you want more infos about this great Association, visit their facebook page:
Here are the best pictures that Pyton took during this firt week of partnership, more pictures on this link: !
Credit Photos: Terres en Melées
Cela fait maintenant une semaine que Pierres Yves Tondeur, l’agent de développement de l’association française Terres en Mêlées travaille avec l’équipe de Kampuchea Balopp. « Pyton », comme il aime se faire appeler par les enfants, va rester au Cambodge quatre mois durant pour soutenir techniquement Kampuchea Balopp dans la formation de ses entraîneurs-éducateurs cambodgiens, et pour commencer a « planter des graines ovales »du coté de Siem Reap.
Terres en Mêlées est une association qui développe en France et a l’étranger le « Rugby éducatif », ils ont déjà développé des projets au Maroc ainsi qu’au Sénégal, et utilisent ces derniers comme des outils de sensibilisation a la Solidarité internationale auprès de jeunes lycéens en France.
Pyton était extrêmement heureux a l’issue de cette première semaine en terres cambodgiennes; il a beaucoup observé, pris quelques notes, beaucoup de photos, et a déjà animé trois ateliers de travail avec nos coachs pour les faire progresser sur la problématique suivant: Comment être un bon éducateur avant d’être un bon entraîneur ?
Il nous a également donné quelques nouvelles idées d’exercices a mettre en place avec les enfants pour leur permettre d’affronter leurs peurs, durant des petits jeux de contacts très ludiques.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur Terres en Mêlées, visiter leur page Facebook:
Voici les plus belles photos prises par Pyton durant cette première semaine, pour en voir plus, cela se passe sur le lien suivant! !
Credit Photos: Terres en Melées
par camille | 1 Jan 2014 | Actualités, Featured, Mise en avant, News, Sans catégorie, Uncategorized
Kampuchea Balopp wish you all the best for 2014 !!!
par camille | 23 Déc 2013 | Actualités, Featured, Mise en avant, News
To give our Cambodian trainers some facilitated learning opportunities, Graeme McKenzie, an Australian with over twenty years’ experience in primary school and physical education, did an assessment of their training methods. He observed a number of their sessions and then sat down with them and their supervisor Jean-Baptiste Suberbie, and gave his feedback on their skills and methods and suggested some strategies and areas of improvement. Overall, he was extremely impressed in a number of areas of their coaching skills, and especially highlighted the respect the students have for their trainers. He gave them some areas to work on to hone their skills, and set some goals for them to achieve. Unfortunately for us, Graeme has recently completed his contract in Cambodia and returned to his homeland, but we were very grateful for the time he put in to improving the coaching at KB.
Another area of development that we have had the opportunity to participate in was a Group Management workshop in partnership with the NGO Skateistan. The workshop was run by Thomas Leduc, a French specialist in teaching, who organised four sessions over four weeks and gave the coaching teams of KB and Skateistan the theoretical concepts relating to group dynamics and the management and leadership of children in groups. Skateistan and KB will be working together in the future when possible due to the shared aim of youth development through sport of both organisations – KB through rugby, and Skateistan through skateboarding.
Last but not least, through the French Association Street Athle, a workshop will be held next week for our KB coaching staff that will focus on children, about how they grow, how their motor skills develop, and how strategies can be used to develop their athletic ability. As our coaching staff are training children of mixed ages, this workshop will provide them with insights into dealing with physical education and how it can be taught for different age groups.