
Our annual Cambodia 10’s tournament has just wrapped up with two days of sunny weather to enjoy the three competitions – Men’s, Women’s & Old Boy’s social 10’s rugby.  Congratulations to Shoalhaven Rugby Club (Australia), the Banger Belles (Thailand) and Gotham (Singapore) for their wins in the respective tournaments.  A big thank you to our partners and sponsors who helped put on a great event – Blue Pumpkin, Clik Asia, Naga Clinic, ICC (International Chiropractic Clinic), Foundation Decathlon, DanMeats, GoGreen, Samai Rum Distillery & Northbridge International School.   

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BANGKOK 7’s & 10’s

KB were very lucky to enter both comps – the 10’s at the start of the year and the 7’s near the end.  For the 7’s, KB entered the tournament with 10 young players from our program who are from PSE – Pour un Sourire d’Enfant – Cambodia and Toutes à l’école. Thank you very much to David Adamson and the Referee’s Committee for helping us fund our participation in this tournament. It was a good learning experience for the girls and they finished up with 2 wins and 4 losses.



Kampuchea Balopp had the pleasure of organising a girl’s rugby tournament with teams participating from Singapore and Cambodia. The 210 girls ranged in age between 8 and 14, and from the Cambodian teams, 9 came from the KB program, 2 from the Lycée Français René-Descartes de Phnom Penh – Cambodge, and 3 from the Valkyries who travelled all the way from Singapore to participate in the event! The Valkyries took advantage of this trip to Cambodia to support KB by bringing equipment donations and offering a souvenir polo shirt of the tournament to each participating player.  We thank our three generous referees who came directly from Thailand for the occasion, Naga Medical Clinic, and the volunteers from the Phnom Penh Social Rugby Club.


The KB Day MARCH 5th




Our KB Day brought together 400 children for a fantastic day of sport and rugby and was made possible by the generous support of the Amaris Foundation . Also, a big thank you to the UWC South East Asia children, parents and teachers from Singapore who helped out with the activities and made a donation of sports equipment and kit for the children. Their enthusiasm and expertise was greatly appreciated and we look forward to their next visit later in the year!
Crédit photo: JM Brun




Kampuchea Balopp is very proud to announce that it won the Rhino Grassroots Rugby Award for 2016!

The winner was announced in London on Monday the 14th of November at World Rugby’s Conference and Exhibition 2016 (ConfEx) and the trophy was presented to KB representative Frederic Hervouet by Rhino CEO Reg Clarke and former WASPS and England Captain Lawrence Dallaglio .  The full list of shortlisted candidates were:

1. The Batumi International Beach Rugby Festival (Georgia)
2. The Cronk-Cunis National Under 21 Festival (England)
3. Kampuchea Balopp (Cambodia).
4. The Los Vegas Invitational Tournament (USA)
5. The Piotrowice Nyskie International Rugby Festival (Poland)

We very much appreciate the work of Rhino in supporting grassoots rugby!
