par camille | 6 Fév 2019 | Actualités, Cambodia 10's, Competition, Compétition, Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant, News
The Cambodia 10’s adults rugby tournament was held on the 26th and 27th of October at Northbridge International School and had 20 teams from 8 countries participating. It was a successful weekend of great rugby with the Bangkok Southerners taking out the Men’s Cup, the local Sparkly Rahus taking the Women’s Cup, and Zarlequeen from Reunion Island taking the Old Boy’s Cup. We were also very pleased to showcase the children under our grassroots rugby program on Sunday morning in some exhibition games. Thank you to Action Cambodge Handicap, Sok Sabay, and Taramana for participating. We got many good comments about the high level of skill the children displayed, and their energy and enthusiasm was contagious! Thank you also to the team from Friends International who supported our event, and we fully support their Child Safe Movement.

The Cambodia 10’s is back in this World Cup Rugby year and is being held on the 26th and 27th of October. This social rugby tournament has been going for many years and welcomes teams from around the world, to highlight the work that is being done in Cambodia with youth development through sport. Visiting teams come from Australia, France, South Africa, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore, and normally around 350 people participate over the two days. There are three components to the tournament – Men’s, Women’s and Old Boy’s.
For more information, please email:
To download the 2019 registration form, please click here.
See you in Phnom Penh in October!

par camille | 22 Nov 2018 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant, News

For the second year in a row we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Valkyries rugby club in Singapore. They were the first girls rugby club established there, and KB organised a mini tournament on the 11th of November involving girls from 7 to 17 years old who are under the KB program to play against the visiting club. It was a full morning of rugby and four trophies were given away at the end. The visiting group had just enough time to go back to their hotel for lunch and a swim before flying back to Singapore that evening. We thank the Valkyries for their support of KB and Cambodian girls rugby, and we look forward to welcoming them again next year!

par camille | 23 Mar 2017 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant, News, Sans catégorie, Uncategorized
KB were very lucky to enter both comps – the 10’s at the start of the year and the 7’s near the end. For the 7’s, KB entered the tournament with 10 young players from our program who are from PSE – Pour un Sourire d’Enfant – Cambodia and Toutes à l’école. Thank you very much to David Adamson and the Referee’s Committee for helping us fund our participation in this tournament. It was a good learning experience for the girls and they finished up with 2 wins and 4 losses.

par camille | 23 Mar 2017 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Grassroots, Grassroots, Mise en avant, News
Kampuchea Balopp had the pleasure of organising a girl’s rugby tournament with teams participating from Singapore and Cambodia. The 210 girls ranged in age between 8 and 14, and from the Cambodian teams, 9 came from the KB program, 2 from the Lycée Français René-Descartes de Phnom Penh – Cambodge, and 3 from the Valkyries who travelled all the way from Singapore to participate in the event! The Valkyries took advantage of this trip to Cambodia to support KB by bringing equipment donations and offering a souvenir polo shirt of the tournament to each participating player. We thank our three generous referees who came directly from Thailand for the occasion, Naga Medical Clinic, and the volunteers from the Phnom Penh Social Rugby Club.