par camille | 19 Sep 2013 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant, News
This morning, two of our Rugby coach officer bring 27 kids from Aspeca orphanage to the Pochentong International Airport. Why ? Just to support and give positive energy to the 12 player, representing Cambodia, who flighted to Bangkok to participate to the Asian 7s tournament.
It was the first time for those kids to see how an airport looks like, and they were very proud an excited to do this wonderful surprise for the Koupreys, the national 7s team.
DUL Khemrin, one of our development officer is part of the squad, and we know that he will do his best to represent Kampuchea Balopp and all the kids who are dreaming, now, to participate in this kind of event when they will be older. VANAK Vireak, the team captain said that the team will do their best to represent Cambodia, and this gift from Kampuchea Balopp and Aspeca will help them during the game. He also told the kids that, if they continue to work hard on the field and at School, one day, they will have the chance to travel and discover the country thanks to rugby.
Here are some pictures !!
Ce matin, deux de nos agents de développement ont amené 27 enfants issus de l’orphelinat Aspeca a l’aeroport international de Pochentong. Pourquoi ? tout simplement pour faire une surprise a l’équipe nationale de rugby cambodgienne a 7, qui s’apprêtaient a s’envoler pour la Thailande, pour participer au tournoi d’Asie.
C’était la première fois pour ces enfants de voir a quoi ressemblait un aéroport, et ils étaient a la fois fiers et excites de faire cette chouette surprise aux Koupreys, nom donné aux joueurs de l’équipe cambodgienne.
DUL Khemrin, entraîneur de Kampuchea Balopp fait parti du groupe, et il sait que l’équipe fera de son mieux pour représenter le pays et apprécie a sa juste valeur un tel message de soutien. VANAK Vireak, le capitaine a parlé aux enfants en leur assurant que l’équipe ferait tout pour qu’ils soit fiers de leur parcours, tout en leur précisant qu’un jour, ce serait eux qui auraient peut être la chance de s’envoler vers de nouvelles contrées pour représenter le peuple khmer sur un terrain de rugby
Voici quelques photos!!
par camille | 29 Août 2013 | Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant
PSE for years has been running a summer camp program. With school out until October there’s nothing better to occupy children’s time. This year the summer camp got even bigger, with the young children and the teens each having their own separate camps. But to add to all that fun Kampuchea Balopp was on hand to teach everyone how to play rugby.
Here are some pictures of the kids getting to grips with rugby and all the fun it can be.
par camille | 14 Août 2013 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Grassroots, Grassroots, Mise en avant, News
The Good Men of Rugby project for 2013/14 has officially started and this year Kampuchea Balopp is taking part. We’re partnering with the Cambodian Federation of Rugby (CFR) to work on combating domestic violence and promote gender equality through sports. The Good Men Campaign is a series of projects sponsored by the Spanish NGO Paz y Desarrollo (PyD) done in cooperation with the Cambodian government. The entire campaign is about educating and promoting people on six points, which are:
- To Take Action To Stop Violence Against Women
- To Share Household Chores
- To Resolve Problems By Discussion
- To Being a Role Model in Promoting Equality Between Men and Women
- To Consensual Decision Making
- To Treating Males and Females Equally
The idea for the Good Men of Rugby project is that the CFR and KB work with men 15 years and older at high schools and university to promote these six points and use rugby to do so. The thing is that it’s not enough to simply say treat women equally, but to do so. We have to practice what we preach, which is why we’re not just targeting men – even if PyD is only concerned with the statistics regarding men – but working with and including women in our project.
For the Good Men of Rugby project we’re going to eight universities and eight high schools in Phnom Penh over the next year. We’ll return to each school and uni three times to teach them rugby and provide lessons around the six points of the campaign. We’ll also be holding the Respect Tournament in April of next year. To all of these events every student, male and female, will be invited and made welcome. As the project develops we’ll provide more updates so keep checking back, or sign up to the newsletter.
par camille | 12 Août 2013 | Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant
Better late than never, here are the photos from the Asian Rugby Football Union’s (AFRU) Day of Rugby hosted here in Phnom Penh. Along with the Cambodian Federation of Rugby (CFR) we were in attendance with all of the children we worked with. These are just some photos of the kids getting a chance to play together in the Old Stadium in Phnom Penh. We’d like to thank DKSH who were our sponsor and provided all of our children with t-shirts. Thank you should also go out to Michelle, Hannah, Anna-Maria and Gavin for volunteering and taking the time to come out on a Sunday morning to work with the 700+ children in attendance. It may have seemed like mayhem and it certainly looked like it but fun was had by all. They also got the opportunity to hear about from the Good Men of Rugby campaign, more of which you’ll hear about later this week. Afterwards, the kids received lunch and then got to watch the Cambodian National Rugby Team defeat Brunei. All in all the kids had a really eventful day and went home excited to play more rugby, but also exhausted in the good sense. And sorry about the delays in posting this. It was shelved while we moved the website to a new hosting service, which required more work than expected.
par camille | 25 Juil 2013 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant, News, Sans catégorie, Uncategorized
Here they are ! proud again to show their trophy on one of the Sihanouk beaches. The full team of Taraspeca who won a couple of weeks ago their 1st national trophy.
Two weeks ago, on the 13rd of July, the Kampuchea Balopp team, helped by Sam Kanha and Sin Savin, two Aspeca facilitators, bring the Taraspeca U15 to the beach. For most of them, it was the first time in their lifes that they could try the taste of the salty water !
Program of the Week end: Beach Rugby, Seafood, and Beach Rugby again !!!
Ra, refing one of the game that the boys had during the week end.
The coaches participated also into this small beach tournament.
On saturday evening, some of the Aspeca player, performed the traditionnal Monkey Dance to the children of the center of Aspeca Sihanouk which accomomodate us during two night.
Ils y sont ! Fiers une nouvelle fois de sortir leur trophée sur l’une des nombreuses plages de Sihanoukville. L’equipe des moins de 15 de Taraspeca qui a gagne il y a de cela plusieurs semaines, leur tout premier titre national.
Le 13 Juillet dernier, l’equipe de Kampuchea Balopp, assitee de Sam Kanha, et de Sin Savin, toutes deux employees au sein d’Enfants d’Asie Aspeca, ont emmené les Taraspeca a la plage. Pour la pluppart d’entre eux, c’etait la premiere fois qu’ils avaient l’occasion de gouter l’eau salee de la mer.. !
Programme du Week-end: Beach Rugby, fruits de mer, et encore du Beach Rugby !!
Ra, arbitrant l’un des nombreux matchs joues par nos champions !
Les entraîneurs ont également participé a ce petit tournoi improvisé
Durant la soirée, certains joueurs issus d’Aspeca ont présenter aux enfants du centre d’Aspeca Sihanouk dans lequel nous étions accueilli, un numero de danse traditionnelle, tout en y ajoutant quelques petites touches rugbystiques…
par camille | 20 Mai 2013 | Compétition, Evénements, Mise en avant
In conjunction with the huge training that organised Kampuchea Balopp last sunday, the Kampuchea Balopp team wanted to celebrate the U15 Taraspeca team victory in the last CFR League Final.
After the kids training, the coach were happy and proud to present and offer to each players who participate in this unforgettable victory, a « t-shirt souvenir ». On the front of the t-shirt is printing the logo of both club, Aspeca Rugby Club, and Taramana Rugby Club; and, on the back is printing: « 2013 Taraspeca Rugby U15, Champions of Cambodia ! ».
The captain, Vong Kakada, made a small speech to thanks his coach and team mates. he also said to the young kids that he hopes they will have the chance to win a trophy in the future.
On the link below, a fantastic video produced par Jocelyn Dorde, The president of Taramana.
Khemrin, presenting the tshirt to everybody, with Kakada.
The Kampuchea Balopp coach, very proud to give to each player the t-shirt.
After his speech, Kakada received the U15 Champions of Cambodia Trophy.
Photos taken during the trophy ceremony, just after the finals… unforgettable moment for all those players.
Photos Credits: Thomas Leduc, Jocelyn Dorde, Gregory Pellechi, and Joe Garrisson (CFR)
En marge de l’entrainement géant organisé dimanche dernier par Kampuchea Balopp, l’équipe d’entraineur de Kampuchea Balopp a voulu celebrer la victoire de l’equipe de Taraspeca en categorie U15, lors de la finale du championnat cambodgien.
Juste apres l’entrainement des petits, les entraineurs étaient non seulement heureux, mais fiers, de remettre a chaque joueur ayant participé a l’aventure, un tshirt souvenir. Sur le devant de ce dernier sont floqués les logos des deux clubs, Aspeca Rugby Club, et Taramana Rugby CLub, et, sur le derriere est floqué l’inscription: « 2013 Taraspeca Rugby U15, Champions du Cambodge ! »
Le capitaine, Vong Kakada, en a profité pour remercier devant tout le monde, les entraineurs ainsi que ses coequipiers. Il a egalement ajouté qu’il esperait que les enfants auront leur chance a leur tour de vivre ce genre de moment.
Sur le lien ci-dessous, une fantastique video realisee par Jocelyn Dorde, le president de taramana:
Khemrin, en train de presenter le tshirt devant tout le monde, avec Kakada.
Les entraineurs de Kampuchea Balopp, tout fiers de remettre a chacun un tshirt.
Apres son petit discours, Kakada a recu des mains de Khemrin le trophee de Champion du Cambodge, categorie U15.
Photos prises pendant la ceremonie d’apres finale, lors de la remise officielle du trophee, un moment innoubliable pour tous ces jeunes joueurs..!
Credits Photos:
Thomas Leduc
Jocelyn Dorde
Greg Pellechi
Joe Garrisson (CFR)