par camille | 25 Juil 2013 | Actualités, Evénements, Events, Featured, Mise en avant, News, Sans catégorie, Uncategorized
Here they are ! proud again to show their trophy on one of the Sihanouk beaches. The full team of Taraspeca who won a couple of weeks ago their 1st national trophy.
Two weeks ago, on the 13rd of July, the Kampuchea Balopp team, helped by Sam Kanha and Sin Savin, two Aspeca facilitators, bring the Taraspeca U15 to the beach. For most of them, it was the first time in their lifes that they could try the taste of the salty water !
Program of the Week end: Beach Rugby, Seafood, and Beach Rugby again !!!
Ra, refing one of the game that the boys had during the week end.
The coaches participated also into this small beach tournament.
On saturday evening, some of the Aspeca player, performed the traditionnal Monkey Dance to the children of the center of Aspeca Sihanouk which accomomodate us during two night.
Ils y sont ! Fiers une nouvelle fois de sortir leur trophée sur l’une des nombreuses plages de Sihanoukville. L’equipe des moins de 15 de Taraspeca qui a gagne il y a de cela plusieurs semaines, leur tout premier titre national.
Le 13 Juillet dernier, l’equipe de Kampuchea Balopp, assitee de Sam Kanha, et de Sin Savin, toutes deux employees au sein d’Enfants d’Asie Aspeca, ont emmené les Taraspeca a la plage. Pour la pluppart d’entre eux, c’etait la premiere fois qu’ils avaient l’occasion de gouter l’eau salee de la mer.. !
Programme du Week-end: Beach Rugby, fruits de mer, et encore du Beach Rugby !!
Ra, arbitrant l’un des nombreux matchs joues par nos champions !
Les entraîneurs ont également participé a ce petit tournoi improvisé
Durant la soirée, certains joueurs issus d’Aspeca ont présenter aux enfants du centre d’Aspeca Sihanouk dans lequel nous étions accueilli, un numero de danse traditionnelle, tout en y ajoutant quelques petites touches rugbystiques…
par camille | 26 Juin 2013 | Actualités, Featured, Mise en avant, News
We’re now accepting donations through PayPal. Just click the button below to provide a monthly donation and keep the kids of Cambodia playing rugby.
A monthly contribution from you allows Kampuchea Balopp to operate solely on private donations. The association must be sustainable in the long-term to ensure continuous youth development through sports.
Children want nothing more than a chance to be children and that means playing games, having fun and smiling in a safe and secure environment. The children Kampuchea Balopp works with get just that and more through rugby.
Funds collected are used to finance all aspects of the program: basic sports equipment; fields rental and development; transportation of the children, training and salaries of the educators; etc.
A one time donation is always appreciated
Not everyone can afford to give all the time, but every little bit helps. For the disabled and disadvantaged children that Kampuchea Balopp works with, the opportunity to play rugby is the highlight of their week. Your donation makes that happen.
More than just needing balls, shirts or shoes a donation allows Kampuchea Balopp to provide additional nutritional supplements. The children are growing not just emotionally and mentally but physically. The importance of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are just one of the many values Kampuchea Balopp imparts thanks to you and your donation.
Want to do more than just donate?
Kampuchea Balopp is always on the look out for sponsors. Whether you’re a Rugby Club, Corporation, Foundation, Association, or simply a group of like-minded individuals who want to help Kampuchea Balopp more than welcomes anything you have to offer. We are always open to new sponsors so contact us for more information.
Don’t forget to check out our Donation & Gift Acceptance Policy before you give.
par camille | 11 Juin 2013 | Actualités, Featured, Mise en avant, News
Kampuchea Balopp is now officially registered in France as an association. Our official name there is Kampuchea Balopp (France). In Cambodia we are still in the process of registering.
This is great news for us as it means a number of different things for both the organization and our supporters. For us at the organization, it provides us with a greater level of legitimacy. It also means that we’re required to be more stringent in our standards, bookkeeping and way in which we conduct ourselves. Not that we were ever doing anything bad or poorly before. Now, being held to a higher level will only see us achieve so much more.
For our supporters, those in France at least, it means that any donations given to Kampuchea Balopp are now considered tax deductible. In the immediate future we plan on adding a PayPal donation button to our site and more information about what your gifts enable us to do. So check back soon for more information, and thank you for the support.