PSE: The new season is open !

This week, on wednesday, Kampuchea Balopp restart the rugby season in PSE center (Pour un Sourire d’Enfant, french Ngo). Around 30 kids aged from 10 to 14 years old enjoyed the 90 minutes session under a very much appreciate rain..

This season, Kampuchea Balopp will train 4 groups in PSE center.

– Every Monday or Friday, from 6pm to 7.30 pm: Under 15
– Every Wednesday from 9am to 11am or from 3pm to 5pm: Under 11 and Under 13.
– Every Wednesday: from pm to 7.30 pm: Women team

Here are the pictures took by Sophie Dabescat, one of our new volonteer photograph! Welcome to her!

Enjoy the pictures !

Mercredi dernier, Kampuchea Balopp a lance la nouvelle saison de rugby au sein de l’ONG francaise Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE). Une trentaine de joueurs ages entre 10 et 14 ans se sont entraînés, 90 minutes durant, sous une pluie extrêmement appréciée, tout autant que le terrain glissant et boueux … !

Cette saison, Kampuchea BAlopp entrainera 4 differents groupes au sein de PSE.

– Tous les lundis ou vendredis, de 18h a 19h30: les Moins de 15 (U15)
– Tous les mercredis de 9h a 11h, ou de 15h a 17h: les u11 et U13
– Tous les mercredis, a partir de 19h30; l’equipe feminine

Voici les photos prises par Sophie Dabescat, l’une de nos nouvelles photographes benevoles !! Bienvenue a elle !

Kampuchea Balopp wish all the best to The Koupreys 7s !

This morning, two of our Rugby coach officer bring 27 kids from Aspeca orphanage to the Pochentong International Airport. Why ? Just to support and give positive energy to the 12 player, representing Cambodia, who flighted to Bangkok to participate to the Asian 7s tournament.

It was the first time for those kids to see how an airport looks like, and they were very proud an excited to do this wonderful surprise for the Koupreys, the national 7s team.

DUL Khemrin, one of our development officer is part of the squad, and we know that he will do his best to represent Kampuchea Balopp and all the kids who are dreaming, now, to participate in this kind of event when they will be older. VANAK Vireak, the team captain said that the team will do their best to represent Cambodia, and this gift from Kampuchea Balopp and Aspeca will help them during the game. He also told the kids that, if they continue to work hard on the field and at School, one day, they will have the chance to travel and discover the country thanks to rugby.

Here are some pictures !!


Ce matin, deux de nos agents de développement ont amené 27 enfants issus de l’orphelinat Aspeca a l’aeroport international de Pochentong. Pourquoi ? tout simplement pour faire une surprise a l’équipe nationale de rugby cambodgienne a 7, qui s’apprêtaient a s’envoler pour la Thailande, pour participer au tournoi d’Asie.

C’était la première fois pour ces enfants de voir a quoi ressemblait un aéroport, et ils étaient a la fois fiers et excites de faire cette chouette surprise aux Koupreys, nom donné aux joueurs de l’équipe cambodgienne.

DUL Khemrin, entraîneur de Kampuchea Balopp fait parti du groupe, et il sait que l’équipe fera de son mieux pour représenter le pays  et apprécie a sa juste valeur un tel message de soutien. VANAK Vireak, le capitaine a parlé aux enfants en leur assurant que l’équipe ferait tout pour qu’ils soit fiers de leur parcours, tout en leur précisant qu’un jour, ce serait eux qui auraient peut être la chance de s’envoler vers de nouvelles contrées pour représenter le peuple khmer sur un terrain de rugby

Voici quelques photos!!


Follow us on Instagram !

Sometimes, pictures tells more than words.

So, from now on, you can appreciate and share the most wonderful pictures took during the different rugby session.

Subscribe to the Kampuchea Balopp page on Instagram ! and don’t forget to like and share !!!Parfois, les images parlent plus que les mots.

A partir de maintenant, vous pouvez apprécier et partager les plus belles photos prises durant nos sessions d’entrainement.

Abonnez-vous à la page Kampuchea Balopp d’Instagram, et n’oubliez pas d’aimer et de partager !!

Thank You Julie Schaefer

Thank You Julie Schaefer

This week Julie Schaefer of Bribie Island, Queensland, Australia visited our office to drop off a gift. She brought with her some rugby balls graciously donated by her, her colleagues and family back in Australia. Julie Schaefer Julie found out about Kampuchea Balopp through our mutual friend and Kampuchea Balopp Fundraising Coordinator for Australia & New Zealand Anna-Maria Nugent. This was Julie’s eighth visit to Cambodia, and she attributes her numerous returns to « the [Cambodian] people. They’re really lovely. They’re really honest. People here [in Cambodia] are really resourceful. » She also enjoys the food and the shopping Phnom Penh has to offer.

Since our coaches were working with Sok Sabay, Julie got a chance to visit the kids as they were playing. Below are some photos from that practice.

Good Men of Rugby Launches

Good Men of Rugby Launches

The Good Men of Rugby project for 2013/14 has officially started and this year Kampuchea Balopp is taking part. We’re partnering with the Cambodian Federation of Rugby (CFR) to work on combating domestic violence and promote gender equality through sports. The Good Men Campaign is a series of projects sponsored by the Spanish NGO Paz y Desarrollo (PyD) done in cooperation with the Cambodian government. The entire campaign is about educating and promoting people on six points, which are:

  1. To Take Action To Stop Violence Against Women
  2. To Share Household Chores
  3. To Resolve Problems By Discussion
  4. To Being a Role Model in Promoting Equality Between Men and Women
  5. To Consensual Decision Making
  6. To Treating Males and Females Equally

The idea for the Good Men of Rugby project is that the CFR and KB work with men 15 years and older at high schools and university to promote these six points and use rugby to do so. The thing is that it’s not enough to simply say treat women equally, but to do so. We have to practice what we preach, which is why we’re not just targeting men – even if PyD is only concerned with the statistics regarding men – but working with and including women in our project.

For the Good Men of Rugby project we’re going to eight universities and eight high schools in Phnom Penh over the next year. We’ll return to each school and uni three times to teach them rugby and provide lessons around the six points of the campaign. We’ll also be holding the Respect Tournament in April of next year. To all of these events every student, male and female, will be invited and made welcome. As the project develops we’ll provide more updates so keep checking back, or sign up to the newsletter.

Our Newsletter is Live

Our Newsletter is Live

Kampuchea Balopp for a while has had a newsletter sign-up at the bottom of the site. Who knew? But now we’ve gone and actually got ourselves organized. So sign up for our newsletter and start receiving monthly updates about Kampuchea Balopp, our projects, partners and other developments in Cambodia. We’ll be sending out an English and a French version, so be sure to select which version you’d like to receive. You can sign up here:

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This newsletter won’t be full of spam nor will it fill up your inbox with daily or even weekly announcements. We’re a small team so you can expect to only hear from us just once a month. That’s plenty for you and plenty fo us. Don’t forget you can now donate via PayPal.