The Balopp Initiative Presents the Myanmar Project 2020 – Supported by Viant

[:en]In late 2018, René Van Der Kam, Co-founder and Director of Viant Commodities, a leading global non-ferrous metals merchant company, came across the work of Kampuchea Balopp.  He was impressed by the work done towards giving disadvantaged children in Cambodia access to sport and this inspired him to initiate the setting up of The Balopp Initiative in Myanmar as part of Viant’s CSR program.  Myanmar is the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia and 27.5% of the population is below 15 years of age.  There are many children who are affected by conflicts or natural disasters, and 55% of the children live below the poverty line.  Access to sport for children is low and the Balopp Initiative will partner with local NGOs and schools to provide regular sports training to children.   This project will begin in 2020 in Yangon.

[:fr]Thank you to our partner Decathlon Cambodia for very generously donating some laptops to us – they will come in very handy for our Sports Educators to use.[:]

KB DAY 15th September @ NISC with THE VALKYRIES

KB DAY 15th September @ NISC with THE VALKYRIES


On Sunday the 15th of September we welcomed a large group to Northbridge International School for our KB Day thanks to a visit from the Singapore Valkyries girls rugby club. The Valkyries played some friendly games against our KB teams, and it was a successful morning of rugby! Accompanying the girls were a large contingent of parents – thank you very much to Jenny and the team for organising the visit and the donation of equipment!  Thank you also to Jason Bray & Gift for stopping over on their bike tour from Singapore to the Japan Rugby World Cup , collecting images & inspiration from various rugby and youth development through sport initiatives across the region! We also welcomed the children from Cambodia Children’s Fund (CCF), Soksabay, PSE, ISF, ACH & Taramana who participated in some fun group sports activities. Thank you to MEAS group (Blue Pumpkin), President Intan Kosem, Yannick our Paramedic, and to all the volunteers who helped out to make this morning a success!


We are holding our upcoming KB Day from 8am until 12 noon at Northbridge International School.  For this event, we are very happy to welcome the VALKYRIES, a girls rugby club from Singapore, and their parents.  They will play some friendly games against some KB teams.  All are welcome to attend, and please note that this is a plastic free event so please bring your refillable water bottle!


Oudong Mountain Clean-Up

The Oudong Mountain Clean-up was a very successful morning thanks to the hundreds of volunteers that showed up to give of their time and effort on what was a very hot morning! After the blessing by the Monks and the official speeches, the seven groups of volunteers spread out over the mountain to spend two and a half hours picking up rubbish with tongs and their (gloved) hands. The lack of rubbish bins and awareness about keeping the area clean has caused a huge problem – the natural habitat is littered with plastic and debris of all kinds. After the clean up and the removal of dozens of bags of rubbish, there was a remarkable change to the area. Sadly, the job is still to go on, but with this initial start and addition in the signage and number of wheelie bins, tightening up of the local waste management plan, and overall heightening of the awareness of the local vendors and school children of the problem there, there will be an improvement in this historic and cultural site.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated – particularly our co-organisers GOGREEN CAMBODIA and our sponsors BRED Bank and Three Corner Coffee Roaster!

Singlife Girls Rugby TRC Cup in Singapore

Singlife Girls Rugby TRC Cup in Singapore


Social inclusion at its best!  It was a week-end full of experiences for our privileged KB Tigers who were invited to attend the SINGLIFE GIRLS RUGBY TRC CUP in Singapore.
Our girls were very well prepared by Coach Sophorn, and came away with a victory in their first game of the morning.  Alas, they battled valiantly for the rest of the tournament, but went down in some tight matches to the very good local TRC and Valkyries sides, as well as the visiting Hong Kong Stingrays.  They had an action-packed weekend with pool parties, trips around Singapore, and the annual TRC Christmas awards event to top it all off!  Thank you to the families who hosted the girls, to the tournament organisers and TRC committee who sponsored the trip, to UWCSEA for hosting the girls on Friday afternoon at the school, and to everyone who helped out!


Social inclusion at its best!  It was a week-end full of experiences for our privileged KB Little Tigers who were invited to attend the CHUBB TRC Junior Cup 2019 in Singapore.
Our girls & boys fought vailantly on the field against Singapore & Malaysian teams (The Centaurs, KL Tigers RFC, Tanglin Rugby Club) despite their limited experience playing rugby together.  They have learnt great values and life lessons within a very short period of time – being part of a team, respecting each other, never giving up – among many others… Thank you to our amazing hosts – to all the devoted & generous parents behind the TRC!


Cambodia 10’s 2019

Cambodia 10’s 2019


The Cambodia 10’s adults rugby tournament was held on the 26th and 27th of October at Northbridge International School and had 20 teams from 8 countries participating. It was a successful weekend of great rugby with the Bangkok Southerners taking out the Men’s Cup, the local Sparkly Rahus taking the Women’s Cup, and Zarlequeen from Reunion Island taking the Old Boy’s Cup.    We were also very pleased to showcase the children under our grassroots rugby program on Sunday morning in some exhibition games. Thank you to Action Cambodge Handicap, Sok Sabay, and Taramana for participating. We got many good comments about the high level of skill the children displayed, and their energy and enthusiasm was contagious! Thank you also to the team from Friends International who supported our event, and we fully support their Child Safe Movement.


The Cambodia 10’s is back in this World Cup Rugby year and is being held on the 26th and 27th of October.  This social rugby tournament has been going for many years and welcomes teams from around the world, to highlight the work that is being done in Cambodia with youth development through sport.  Visiting teams come from Australia, France, South Africa, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore, and normally around 350 people participate over the two days.  There are three components to the tournament – Men’s, Women’s and Old Boy’s.

For more information, please email:

To download the 2019 registration form, please click here.

See you in Phnom Penh in October!


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